Streaming now

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TSD Bandcamp

Through Silicon Dunes is now available for the first time on Bandcamp.


First Crack At The New Schedule

Today was the first day of the new schedule. Overall it went pretty well. I only did 2 track finishing sessions instead of 3 because I had some technical problems with exporting WAVs from Bitwig.


Website Live

Today is the day that I actually pushed this website live at it's pretty basic right now and there are a lot of things missing, bit I was keen to get it up so I can get started with my new publishing workflow.


New Season

Changing my schedule this week to make a step change to greater momentum. At my day job I've been working 10 hour days, four days a week from 7am to 5pm, and having Monday as my music project day. Saving all of my creative time for one day of the work week turned out to not be such a great strategy because it puts a lot of pressure on that one day and it doesn't help to build regularity in daily habits.


Vocal Training

Had the second lesson with my new vocal teacher Marcel tonight. He took me through a technique of using a motorocycle sound to learn basic distortion and I picked it up very quickly.


Website Knowledge Base Setup

Have been bouncing back and forth between a few different ideas for how to manage my Obsidian knowledge base. Particularly around how and where it is stored.


Website Layout

Tyring to figure out a layout for the web site is hard. I don't want all the posts look basically the same because it won't easily distinguish the different info streams that I have going on. I want first time visitors to immediately notice that there are several different media streams: WIP tracks, Vlog videos, planning sessions, listening sessions, coding sessions, etc.


Name Storming

I have a set of organised folders and files for all of my music works in various stages of production. Typically I call it the "Automatic Music Machine" because that is the name of the process I use as delivered by Mike Monday's coaching. I'd like to have my own name that aligns closer to my brand and over which I have full ownership.


Code Breaker

This is a #splurge I did today

[VLog 11] Captains Log - Situation Report

An update on what I've been working on this week including my performance set, preparing for a photo shoot, commisioning new art and planning my next music workstation computer.
