Hunting Mirages

Name Storming

I have a set of organised folders and files for all of my music works in various stages of production. Typically I call it the "Automatic Music Machine" because that is the name of the process I use as delivered by Mike Monday's coaching. I'd like to have my own name that aligns closer to my brand and over which I have full ownership.

A while back I came up with the idea of naming parts of my setup as components of a mecha. This gels with my branding of empoering technology. All the technology I use is the mecha that I use to fight the battles in my heroic adventure. I used this idea when I needed a hostname for my studio PC. I called it Mechanucleus because it is the heart of the "nervous system" of my studio.

The organisation system I use to keep track of my music projects in their various stages of production could be likened to a memory bank since it's essentially a storage system that I use so I can remember where I am up to with each track.

It could also be likened to an energy source since the system is an idea generation and development process, and the finished work that comes out of it is the fuel that powers the rest of my project. It is the primary source of power for the whole operation.

The work that comes out of this system is also what motivates people to be interested in my project and brings them together as fans.

It's also the place where I do most of my work, so it could be likened to a workshop, factory or research lab.

Related words:

  • Array
  • Bank
  • Generator
  • Reactor
  • Drive
  • Factory
  • Incubator
  • Inception
  • Impulse