Hunting Mirages

Website Layout

Tyring to figure out a layout for the web site is hard. I don't want all the posts look basically the same because it won't easily distinguish the different info streams that I have going on. I want first time visitors to immediately notice that there are several different media streams: WIP tracks, Vlog videos, planning sessions, listening sessions, coding sessions, etc.

There are two ways I can think of going with this, one is have everything in a single list down the page, but each type of content has it's own style of display card with a prominent icon that indicates the type of content. It could have multiple icons that correspond to tags on the card, though that could be confusing if cards end up having more than a couple of tags.

The other way is to present each type as a seperate stream of content and not have them all mixed into one list. My issue with this style is that the chronological order of the workstream is now not as obvious. I like the idea that a reader can follow my work process by following my blog.

I guess what it comes down to is whether it's more important that people see the chronology within a category, and have easy access to the latest in each category, or whether it's more important for them to see my work process. I think the latter is the case, and so having them all in one stream is likely the best way to go.

There's also no reason I could not offer filters to limit the view to certain types.

I'm having an idea now while I think about this. The home page could be a vertical timeline, with the present at the top. It could literally have a line down the middle of the page with time markers on it. Posts would be cards that are floating off to the left or right of the timeline, with a line from the card pointing to the exact point on the timeline where they occurred. Cards could be positioned horizontally into columns that indicate the type of content. Eg: thoughts on the far left, WIP tracks on the mid left, VLogs on the mid right, releases on the far right, etc.

I really like this idea, the top of the timeline could even have a little space ship on it and the timeline itself down the center of the page is the trail of rocket exhaust, which would be super cool.

It occurs to me that the timeline will not be on the same scale between different items. As we move from item to item down the timeline the elapsed time between items could sometimes be minutes and other times could be days or even weeks. So the time scale will change constantly. This can be represented by colour changes of the time line itself. When the time difference between two items is short, the line between them could bright red, and when the time scale is very long it could be dark blue, with all the colours of the spectrum in between. This would be a great way to visually indicate when there is a lot of activity happening on the timeline. Very excited about this idea because it would also motivate me to keep the timeline red hot!